Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Meme! A Meme! I Do Confess't!

I'm mostly doing this one because I'm picking it up from someone entirely different: Barbarienne.

1. You have 50 dollars in your pocket. What do you do with it?

Yes, I do. Most of the time. It's most likely to buy food for me and the family, in one way or another.

2. What is your most guilty pleasure?

Far too guilty to mention.

3. Have you ever had anyone close to you die?

No closer than grandparents, though a friend from high school died while I was in college.

4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?

A computer is immediately ahead of me, as it is for most people answering this meme. Is it common to be confused about that?

5. What was the last movie you saw, for pleasure, and would you recommend it?

Death at a Funeral, last night. It's a bit obvious, but a lot of fun.

6. Superman or Batman?

Flaming Carrot.

7. If the person you like does not accept you, would you continue to wait for them to change their feelings?

Oh my, are the questions for twelve year old starting already? "Ohmygod! I so totally like whoosiz!" Let me translate that question out of teenagerese: "If you are romantically interested in someone who doesn't reciprocate your interest, are you the kind of idiot who hangs around in the desperate hope that your life will turn into a bad romantic comedy?"

Even if I weren't married, the answer would be Hell No.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

Oooh! I secretly like someone! Pshaw.

What I do is mention it to my wife, actually, and she says something like "You think she's pretty?" and the conversation goes on from there to places you don't need to know about.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?

Things make me unhappy every day; life is like that. Nothing big, though.

10. If you could have chosen at birth whether to be a boy or a girl, which would you be?

I'm well over six feet tall, with straight oily hair on my head (and too much of it other places), big feet, anti-social tendencies, and a general clumsiness. As a man, I'm only mildly notable.

And how do you know I didn't choose?

11. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you think you relate to the most & why?

That's a tough one -- they're all so much fun. I don't get nearly enough Wrath in my life. Gluttony, Sloth, and Lust are all old friends. Greed, Ency, Pride -- it's all good.

12. If you find out that your best friend is going out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, how would you react?

My "best friend" is my wife, and if I somehow had a separate person who was my "girlfriend" whom my wife was "going out" with...I'd have woken up in an episode of Red Shoe Diaries, so I'd break out the popcorn.

13. Who is currently the most important person to you?

You ask me to choose between my children? Whichever one has been less annoying lately, so Thing 1 right at the moment.

14. Would you rather be a really good person or a really interesting person?

If "really rich" and "really powerful" are off the table, I suppose interesting is a good consolation prize.

15. Do you believe in some form of life after death?

I don't habitually lie to myself, no.

16. Which fictional character could you most see yourself marrying?

What a bizarrely random question. I don't think of collections of words that way, thank you very much.

17. Would you give your all in a relationship?

Sometimes I give my All. But I'm using Tide at the moment.

18. Do you have a motto? If yes which one?

"Don't you start!"

19. What type of friends do you have?

Invisible alien ninja elves. Who come bearing custard.

20. What place most speaks to you?

The kind of place that is human-shaped and has a mouth.

Whee! I'm done. That was dumber than I expected.

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