Monday, April 10, 2006

Hugo Nominations Handicapping

I've been keeping two posts unread over in my Bloglines feed -- one from Jonathan Strahan, and one from Kevin Standlee (both of which are essential reading) -- because I wanted to remember to say something about the Hugo nominees this year.

However, what I wanted to say is odd and not terribly useful to anyone, so I've been putting it off for a couple of weeks. But it will be really silly to do this much later.

I am going to do a Handicapping-the-Hugos post eventually, but this isn't it. I've had a momentary attack of propriety, and realized that not only am I a pro editor in the field (selling all five of the novels and assorted other things), but I'm also judging another award with a somewhat overlapping area this year. So jumping out in front, even just to say what I think will win, is not a good idea right now.

I plan to do a "What I Think Will Win" post after the voting deadline, when I can't possibly influence anyone. Until then, everyone go read what Jonathan, Kevin, and the raft of other commentators have to say.

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